Monday, December 1, 2008

My wonderings

I'm sitting here alone right now. My daughter and granddaughter have went to their new house. My hubby is sleeping, he has to return to work tomorrow. I'm in deep thought. Sometimes I see, hear or read things that start my mind wondering in all different directions.

I'm part of a wonderful community called Magical Holiday Home. This is a group of very creative caring, loving individuals. When one of us is happy we all celebrate. When one is sad we feel their pain and try to support and encourage.

Celebrating things gets my mind going in different ways I can celebrate and enjoy life more.

But at this moment my mind is in saddness and wondering about life. There is a saying I picked up many years ago it is: Write yourself well. It means when something is troubling you to write it out. It will help a little or alot but it will help.

I think about life. We go through life busy, busy, busy with this, that or the other. We make our plans: to get our home clean and straighten, to get a better job, to take a trip, to write a book, etc...then life happens it could be a fantastic change that takes us down a different path or a minor setback or something terrible.

I can't help wondering about the why's that's my human nature. I will just keep trying to be a good person, help where I can. And remember to pray, encourage, support, laugh, live and love.

God bless you all

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