Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pet Peeve

I have some pet peeves. To me pet peeves are things that I really dislike, don't quite understand and in some cases I will call a person on.

I was watching Nightline earlier and it made me think about one of my pet peeves. Part of the show was about a lady whose been dealing with the superbug for 3 years now.

They were telling people precautions that could be used. This lady bleaches everything in her house she can, keeps Lysol on hand and washes her hands quite often. Poor lady is on a IV drip again.

Anyway, it made me think of things I think are unsanitary and wonder about them. A pet peeve of mine is to see someone handle money then touch food. Money goes through so MANY peoples hands why would anyone touch someone else food without washing their hands first YUCK!

AS far as the superbug goes washing your hands often, using disinfectant,
personally, I carry a bottle of germ x in my purse.


Ginger said...

ME TOO!!!!!!!

Jessica said...

Not to be a bubble burster or anything, but I have read several articles lately that suggest skipping the antibacterial stuff because it's no better than regular soap and using the antibacterial actually helps the germs to adapt and mutate to overcome the effects, which I can understand. Anyway, just some food for thought. :)