Saturday, March 1, 2008

Weather goal

Spring will be here soon, and so will the possibility of severe weather. I've set a goal to post weather information for the month of March. I intented to start my March postings telling you about the day our town was changed forever.

But I'm not feeling well today, so today's post will be a weather term everyone should know.

Severe Thunderstorm WATCH/ Tornado WATCH:

This means conditions are favorable to produce severe weather in OR CLOSE TO the watch area. It does not mean if a surrounding county is in a watch, and we are not, that we should not pay attention. It means exactly what it says, WATCH out. Keep an eye on the sky, turn on your tv, your local radio station, let your family know, and plan accordingly. Most watches run around 6 hours but can develop into a WARNING at any time.

Remember :
WATCH: Watch out and prepare

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