Sunday, February 17, 2008

#2 abd #3 Confidence builders

I intended to only post the #2 confidence builder tonight but when things were getting a little frustrating realized I might as well post #3.

#2 confidence builder is "Create an action plan to address worries." I realized I hadn't posted my writing challenge for today about 20 minutes ago. So I'm thinking don't worry about it. Because my action plan was to post here at least once a day. There's no set time I have to post.

So I truck on over here and proceed to pull up blogger. And low and behold what do I see over and over. Page cannot be found I hate that saying lol. Not sure if it was blogger acting up or my computer.

But I'd decided if I couldn't get the page up I'd apologize and post it on MHH if I had to. Because I'd made a commitment to myself and accepted Ginger's challenge to write once a day.

So I pulled out my confidence builder's and knew what should be posted as #2. But the trouble I'd went through trying to post this help me decide to go ahead and post my #3 confidence builder "Focus On What I Can Control."

I couldn't control my computer or the internet but I could control how stressed I did or didn't get over the situation. For the most part I did pretty GOOD(patting self on back).

So I just need to make a effort, create my action plan, and remember what actually is in my control.

P.S. I had to go to draft to try again to post this because it said blogger couldn't be contacted.


Sandra Larson @smilingsandra (smilingriderfan) said...

Some great comments here...Focus on What I Can Control. I have really adopted that also. Its made a big difference. If there is nothing you can....just let it go. It just all weighs you down worrying about it anyhow!

Good Luck! You can do these thing =)

Tricia said...

Thank you. What I've notice is when I realize what I can't control and stay calm things are so much better, Stop by often I love the company:)

Ginger said...

Great reminders...and soo true..."focus on what i can control"