Monday, February 4, 2008

Feburary Goals

In my quest to find and do things that help me feel GOOD in 2008 I've decided to set monthly goals. Feburary's daily(all but 1 are daily) goals are:

1. Drink at least 8oz. water daily. I know I need more than this. But for me to get at least 8 ozs down is a accomlishment.
This goal was reached 2-04-08

2. Do my arm exercises. I have a flabby place on my arm that I don't like. You know the place between the elbow and shoulder on the backside. I know a simple exercise that will tone and tighten this I just have to do it.
This goal was reached 2-04-08

3.Start a blog and write in it daily. If you're reading this you know I've accomplished this today.
This goal was reached 2-04-08

4. Meditate daily. My mind need a few minutes quiet time each day. Since it was after 12 a.m when I went to bed...
This goal was reached 2-4-08

5. Read and practice my emails and ebooks that help me grow in the areas I want to at least 2 times a week. I read some today so half way there for the week.

6. Make eye contact with others. This is something I have a hard time doing. But I have been practicing on my family today.

Well these are my goals for Feburary I think they will help me grow. Do you set short term goals?


Ginger said...

You are off to a great start....keep blogging!!!

Tricia said...

Thanks I appreciate it.
