Saturday, February 23, 2008

What are you passionate About

As my profile says I'm a housewife, mother(2 grown children) and grandmother. My family has been and still is my life. I've always like to learn new things.

Sometimes it feels like I just can't learn something tho. Or in this case figure out the answer to the question. Which is "What am I passionate about?" I never seem to have a answer to this question. That did frustrate me because I felt weird not knowing a answer. I should have a passion.I like to do alot of different things. Especially learning and putting what I learn into action.

Tonight I realized my passion is learning. And when I've learn all I feel like I need to learnat the moment I'm ready to move on to the next thing. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm a expert at what I'm learned it just means I have all the knowledge I need at the particular moment.

Sharing my thoughts through writing is one of the things I like to do. This challenge has been enjoyable to me. Tonight I was thinking about the goals I sat for February(can see under February goals). Except for my daily water goal I've done really good. I plan on continuing these goals in March.

But I also wanted to set a goal for March. As I thought about it I remember something I'd like to learn more about. Spring is coming. And in Missouri where I live Spring also means the possibility of severe weather. So in March I will be learning and posting about severe weather. I guess there's the possibility I will be posting 2 times day on some days because I'm sure there will be other things I'd like to talk about too.

There will be a storm spotter class here the first week of March but I don't know if I'll be able to attend. But my daughter is planning on attending so she can share with me what she was taught if I don't get to go.

I'm excited at the idea of setting a goal to reach in a month. Wish me luck. I do have to say I hope what I learn ISN'T needed here this year.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Sometimes I feel like I am passionate about too many things...LOL but I guess my biggest passion is "growing as an individual" and that includes learning and lots of other stuff! Good luck with your goal!